Inner guidance from the voice within.
Through Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Journaling, and Ceremony we connect with the teacher, the wisdom, the ever present deep knowing inside us to find peace, strength, and courage.
Let me guide you.

All in person classes are held at Sault Haus in Hopewell, NJ. Please register to attend here.
Join me for an uplifting blend of spiritual and physical practices in my Kundalini yoga class. Kundalini incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras. The goal is to build physical vitality and increase consciousness. No previous experience required.
Tuesday, Sept 3, 9:30-10:40am
Tuesday, Sept 10, 9:30-10:40am
Wednesday, Sept 11, 9:30-10:40am
Thursday, Sept 12, 7-8pm
Tuesday, Sept 17, 9:30-10:40am
Tuesday Sept 24, 9:30-10:40am
Yoga nidra is a guided meditation and relaxation practice held in the Himalayan Salt Cave that helps induce deep relaxation and a state of conscious sleep. It's often used for stress reduction, improved sleep, and increased awareness. During yoga nidra, practitioners are guided through various stages of relaxation while maintaining awareness of their inner experiences. It's deeply rejuvenating and can be beneficial for both physical and mental well-being.
Thursday, Sept 5, 7-8pm
Let us join together in the salt cave at the new moon to plant our intentions, cultivate a clearer vision, and focus this vital energy of new beginnings and fresh starts. By sharing the stories of different artists, musicians, and people throughout history, sharing our own experiences, pulling oracle cards, and closing with a kundalini meditation, we awaken our focus and a fresh perspective for the month ahead.
Wednesday, Sept 4, 7-8:30pm
Harnessing the power of Mother Nature and the grandness of each season is an effective way to honor the changes of the season and come into a place of balance.
Join us outside surrounded by the changing woods in the light of the setting sun. Accompanied by live music on hand drums, we'll practice kundalini yoga, chant mantras, and meditate. We'll end with a fire ceremony to release what no longer serves us. Come to dance and sing! Bring a mat!
Free salt cave time afterwards!
Sunday, Sept 22, 5-7pm
Erin Marsz
The first time I took a Kundalini Yoga class, I knew I had found a spiritual home. The class was filled with people of all different ages, colors, backgrounds, and body shapes. It was not the type of New York yoga studio I had been in before that was filled with perfect shapes, beautiful clothes, and super fit people. This practice did not require perfection, it required perseverance, and digging deep into your inner being for connection. It quieted my mind, and my heart glowed for days.
My spiritual name, Kirin Raj Kaur, means “the noble Princess/Lioness who shines like a bright ray of light from connecting to the flow of God’s divine wisdom.”
I work daily to live up to that description. I am a registered Kundalini Yoga teacher specializing in Vitality and Stress. I am also a certified Qoya instructor, a practice that helps us remember we are all born Wise, Wild, and Free. I teach in studio and privately in person or via zoom, location dependent.
I would be honored to work with you.
Sat Nam!